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28% off Storewide to Celebrate the 28th

The beloved series Imagination Movers is coming to Disney Plus on February 28th. To celebrate the 28th, we're giving all of our fans 28% off their order, storewide.

These kinds of deals don't come around very often. So, what are you waiting for? Get the new 10-4 shirt and CD, or a pair of socks, or the companion Stacking Game comic book.

And once you're all decked out, tune in to Disney Plus to stream all your favorite Mover episodes.

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Movers Now Airing on Disney +

That's right, you can watch all your favorite Mover episodes, starting today on Disney +. So what are waiting for? Stream, binge, and catch Rich, Scott, Dave, and Smitty as well as Nina, Warehouse Mouse, and Knit-Knots as they brainstorm, solve problems, and have fun.
With three season of episodes, be on the look out for Baker Ben (Duff Goldman), the Tooth Fairy (Cheri Oteri), Boris (Perry Ojeda), Gunther (Sam Zeller), Goldilocks (Abby Cobb), and many others as you fall in love with the Movers all over again.

From www.imaginationmovers.com

How to Talk to Kids About What's Going On + More

There are a lot of amazing resources available from credible and authentic channels regarding how to discuss what is going on in the world with your child. As advocates for kids and their families - please check out some of the following:


Children's Hospital LA

Harvard Health


With many of us experiencing stay at home orders, the Movers want to encourage creativity in our younger fans. Check this out, as well as this one, and here. While we would love for you to stream our show on Disney + make sure its part of a balanced media experience, and allowing for time away for technology and the tv.

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Rescheduling Shows + Support

As many of you are aware, a lot of our recent concerts have had to be rescheduled or cancelled due to the Coronavirus. In fact, our Racine Zoo show in Wisconsin is being rescheduled for fall 2021. We do have two October shows in CT & NY, respectively, that are still on. Plus, we're doing a fallfest concert in October as well in our home state of Louisiana. Stay tuned for more information on the Louisiana gig.

What you can do in the meantime is help us with the following:

1) Stream the show on Disney +

2) Follow us of Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3nkUcLzl9v6cIxFI6cvTeD…

3) Follow us on Apple - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/imagination-movers/6203965

4) Follow us on Twitter (@iMovers) and Instagram (imaginationmoversofficial)

5) Stay tuned for our Q-Collection

PS - Continue to practice social distancing. Be mindful of your neighbors. Wear your masks. Thanks!

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Q Collection Unveiled


NEW ORLEANS - The Imagination Movers are proud to unveil a new pop-up T-shirt collection - dubbed the Q Collection - in the official Movers website store.

Named in honor of the world’s current “quarantine” lifestyle, the limited-edition Q Collection features three awesome new designs:

1) Los Imaginadores
2) Physical Ed
3) Mayor of Fishtown

Each new official Movers shirt explores a different facet of the Movers’ universe. A portion of the profits from each design will go to an appropriate nonprofit.

“Los Imaginadores” is the name of the Movers’ Disney+ television show when translated into Spanish. The shirt that bears the same name is a tribute to the band’s many Spanish-speaking fans in Europe and Latin America, where the series has always been a hit. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this shirt will go to the Hispanic Federation, which has earned a four-star rating from Charity Navigator six years in a row.

The Beastie Boys-inspired Imagination Movers Physical Ed red tee recalls Ad Rock’s shirt in the 1986 video for “(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party).” A portion of the profits from this design will go to MusiCares, an outstanding nonprofit providing a safety net of critical assistance for people in the music industry in times of need. MusiCares helped the Movers replenish all their lost music instruments after Katrina.

The Mayor of Fishtown shirt is inspired by the obscure bonus track of the same name from the Movers’ 2005 indie album “Eight Feet.” The goofy 34-second song describes the fictional mayor of a fictional town that sounds like it's probably located next door to a certain "Octopus's Garden." Now the mayor has been illustrated for the first time - and he’s sporting a very jaunty monocle and top hat. HeadCount, a non-partisan organization that uses the power of music to register voters and promote participation in democracy, is the beneficiary of this design.

For the next 72-hours - Buy all 3 shirts from the Q Collection OR spend $75 and receive FREE domestic shipping. These designs are for a limited-time only. Don't miss this opportunity.

From www.imaginationmovers.com

July 4th Sale

Support the Movers and we're making it easier for you to do exactly that.

The Movers have not been able to perform live since February and we rely on touring to operate, create new content, record, etc., so we need YOUR help now more than ever.

Here's how:
1) Pick up something/anything - preferably a new shirt from the Q Collection- from our online store - imaginationmovers.com/store
* RIGHT NOW, we're giving you 25% off your order on orders $50 and over. Plus, we'll throw in some Warehouse Mouse ears as a bonus gift (while supplies last and 1 per order). Sale starts on 6/27/2020 and lasts til 7/4/2020.

2) Stream the show on Disney +

3) Follow us on Spotify

4) Follow us on Apple

5) Follow us on Twitter (@iMovers) and Instagram (imaginationmoversofficial)

6) Request a Movers song (anything off of 10-4, LTM, or ROM helps the most) on SiriusXM Kid's Place Live via (866) 328-2345 | KPL |kidsplacelive@siriusxm.com

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Newtown, CT Show to be Rescheduled

Our show in Newtown, CT in October will be rescheduled to a later date. TBA. Again, we need your support more now than ever. Please consider the following:

1) Pick up something/anything - preferably a new shirt from the Q Collection- from our online store - imaginationmovers.com/store

2) Request a Movers song (anything off of 10-4, LTM, or ROM helps the most) on SiriusXM Kid's Place Live via (866) 328-2345 | KPL |kidsplacelive@siriusxm.com

3) Stream the show on Disney +

4) Considering contributing to our Artist Tip Jar

5) Follow us on Spotify

6) Follow us on Apple

7) Follow us on Twitter (@iMovers) and Instagram (imaginationmoversofficial)

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Q Collection Shirts are HERE

Fans have started receiving their Q collection shirts and it's giving the Movers goosebumps. The blanks we used are premium and we're so proud of the designs. Moreover, a portion of the proceeds are benefiting three deserving charities.

If you haven't picked up yours, please do so - store.

And as always, if you want to support who we are and what we do, please consider:

1) Request a Movers song (anything off of 10-4, LTM, or ROM helps the most) on SiriusXM Kid's Place Live via (866) 328-2345 | KPL |kidsplacelive@siriusxm.com

2) Stream the show on Disney +

3) Considering contributing to our Artist Tip Jar

4) Follow us on Spotify

5) Follow us on Apple

6) Follow us on Twitter (@iMovers) and Instagram (imaginationmoversofficial)

PS - Thanks Kenzie, our awesome t-shirt model.

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Mover Rich's Birthday

Get Your Xmas Shopping in Time

Purchasing merch items is a great way to support your favorite artists this holiday time plus who wouldn't want to get Mover music and Mover gear?!

With that said, be mindful of shipping dates.

As always, there are many ways to support the Movers.

1) Request a Movers song (anything off of 10-4, LTM, or ROM helps the most) on SiriusXM Kid's Place Live via (866) 328-2345 | KPL |kidsplacelive@siriusxm.com

2) Stream the show on Disney +

3) Considering contributing to our Artist Tip Jar

4) Follow us on Spotify

5) Follow us on Apple

6) Follow us on Twitter (@iMovers) and Instagram (imaginationmoversofficial)

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Unreleased Gems

In preparation for an upcoming EP release, we're rolling out some previously unreleased ditties. Consider it a pop-up shop, of sorts.

Today's two songs are Take Time and Kindergarten Graduation (Swell Version).

Take Time was written and recorded in 2015 but never released. Recently, the song was remastered and will be made available for a short time. The song tackles patience and persistence as we learn, whether riding a bike, tying your shoes, or making friends.

Kindergarten Graduation (Swell Version) is a rousing, acoustic version of the song released on our album, 10-4. The lyrics are based on the standards and benchmarks guiding that momentous year - kindergarten.

Both songs can be found on Bandcamp.
Please consider purchasing them both. Like many other artists, our ability to tour has been adversely impacted by Covid-19. Artists are struggling to create revenue streams for themselves and we are no different. Anything you can do to support who we are and what we do is appreciated.

From www.imaginationmovers.com

BANDCAMP DAY has Arrived

It's here - Movers Bandcamp Day.
We've dropped an album of songs that you cannot get anywhere else and it'll be available for only one day - https://imaginationmovers.bandcamp.com/album/bandcamp-day
Bandcamp is an artist-friendly platform and today all proceeds will go directly to the artist (that's us). The toll of not having played live in over a year has been difficult, but we're a resilient bunch.
To further incentivize you, forward your Bandcamp receipt to help@wonderfulunion.com - in turn, you'll receive a code for 30% off everything in our online store and 50% off our custom videos (yes, we make those). Code good until the end of the month.
Also, we've finished up an EP entirely of new songs and are considering crowd-funding a Movers mini-Movie.
You are our energy.

From www.imaginationmovers.com


If you missed our first 24-hour album drop, then don't miss this one. On March 26 all day long, we'll make available 12 songs you can't get anywhere else ... and it'll be available for only one day - https://imaginationmovers.bandcamp.com/album/bandcamp-day

Bandcamp is an artist-friendly platform and 3/26 all proceeds go directly to the artist (that's us). Through the support of BCD, you enable us to continue creating.

Also, we've finished up an EP entirely of new songs and are considering crowd-funding a Movers mini-Movie. Pretty cool so stay tuned on that information.

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Graduation is in the Air


Can you feel it? It's graduation time and to celebrate, we invite you to enjoy Kindergarten Graduation (Swell Version).

Based in part on the standards and benchmarks for kindergarten students, this song celebrates that monumental day when a kindergarten graduates and enters the wonderful world of 1st grade.

Also, please request this song along with your other favorite Mover tunes on SiriusXM Kids Place Live by emailing: kidsplacelive@siriusxm.com or calling 866-328-2345

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Live Shows on the Horizon?


The big question on everyone's mind is when are the Movers playing live again. Well, the answer is soon.

It's been a difficult period for many of us during the pandemic. Artists and the venues they perform were effectively shut down for well over a year. Many of our colleagues and performances spaces will not return.

There is hope. With a light at the end of the tunnel, promoters and venues are once again booking shows and that means the Movers will be performing soon. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, many of the Movers have had to rely on their other occupations so our opportunities on the road will be limited.

As such, it's important for you to know that if you see a Mover show booked, it really is a "don't miss this" opportunity.

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Number #1


We count ourselves lucky to be able to hear a song we wrote and performed on Sirius XM. It's not an experience we take for granted.

That's why it is reaffirming to see a song resonate with people, as is the case with Kindergarten Graduation which on June 4th topped the 13 Under 13 Chart on Kids Place Live. Kids Place Live is such a great supporter of quality children's music for families to enjoy together and we're happy to see our music played on channel 78.

It's the second version of the song. The 10-4 track is an electronic dance mix and fun in its own right, but the Swell Version, or the one you hear on KPL, is a rousing acoustic mix that is honest and straightforward. And, the only place you can get a copy is on our Bandcamp page.

The lyrics are based in part on standards and benchmarks for kindergarteners and we wanted to be earnest and respectful about that hallmark in the life of a child. So, the song is an ode to graduates everywhere - from the smallest on up.

Keep supporting our music and who we are!

From www.imaginationmovers.com

Happy is Here!

Our first new music since 2018 and we have an amazing music video for it too. Plus, we have a new partner - 8 Pound Gorilla Records.

The first single Happy off the forthcoming EP Happy To Be Here (8.27) is a product of being isolated for months during the pandemic. Happy is an ode to finding joy in the simple things in life: walking the dog on a lovely day, watching a movie with your family, drawing a picture, or simply listening to the birds sing. The single is especially important as a reminder that joy and happiness still can be ever-present despite our obstacles and extreme circumstances.
The video plays around with the idea of puppets watching shows featuring the Movers and the Movers watching shows about puppets until at once they collide in an old school homage to the Brady Bunch. We even enlisted Kevin Carlson (who played Warehouse Mouse on the TV show) to do some puppeteering work. Peppered with a Scott Pilgrim-vibe, you have an energetic visual treat to go with an infectious tune.

Video Credits:
Directed by: Scott Durbin
Edited by: @reyred_visuals
DP: Gabriel Valasco
Assistant DP: Ben Maner
Puppeteering: Kevin Carlson
Happy - Such a simple word
Happy - Best I’ve ever heard
(We’re) gonna put it in asong

Happy - If you’re feeling sad
Happy – We’re going to tellyou that
You ought to sing along

Our smile is wider than thestate of North Carolina
Our eyes are brighter thanthe summer sun
Our cheery disposition
We’re changing your condition
Let’s make it a tradition
And have some fun

Happy - Such a simple word
Happy - Best I’ve ever heard
(We’re) gonna put it in asong

Happy - If you’re feeling sad
Happy – We’re going to tellyou that
You ought to sing along

Happy - hanging round the house
No reason to go out
I’ll watch a movie withyou-you-you-you

Walking the dog outside
Down the street and by
Trees so tall under a sky soblue, blue, blue

Scribble on a notepad
I drew it and it’s not bad
Pick up a pencil and try trytry

Listen to the birds sing
It’s my favorite thing
Angelic tunes fill the sky,sky, sky, sky

H is for HAPPY
A means we’re all right
Pretty please double-P
Y don’t you sing with me

H is for HAPPY
A means we’re all right
Pretty please double-P
Y don’t you sing with me


And our new partner is 8 Pound Gorilla Records, the inevitable offspring of 800 Pound Gorilla Records, the world's largest Comedy Record Label and one that's recently moved into the kids' and family programming.

From www.imaginationmovers.com


Be on the lookout for major changes to our website and online store.

With live events in jeopardy, again, your support for our music, merch, etc. is more indispensable than ever.
There are many ways to support the Movers.

1) Request HAPPY on SiriusXM Kid's Place Live via (866) 328-2345 | KPL | kidsplacelive@siriusxm.com

2) Stream the show on Disney +

3) Considering contributing to our Artist Tip Jar or buy merch

4) Follow us on Spotify

5) Follow us on Apple

6) Follow us on Twitter (@iMovers) and Instagram (imaginationmoversofficial)

From www.imaginationmovers.com

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